Milwaukee Friends Meeting CalendarsLoginMeetinghouse Use CalendarMaintained by our Meetinghouse Use Coordinator, this calendar is for planning the logistics of any events which occur at our meetinghouse. Events include anything happening at the meetinghouse: Meeting activities (worship, committee meetings, workdays), regular weekday use (LifeWays day-care, cleaning crew), and use of the facility by outside groups (weddings, meetings, rehearsals, etc.) You should use this calendar when planning a meeting or event at the meetinghouse to determine if space is available at the time you desire. If the slot is open, ask our use coordinator ( to add your event to the calendar. It is your responsibility to confirm your reservation by checking that it has been added to the calendar. Activities CalendarThis calendar offers dates, times, and additional information about events that are of interest to our Meeting community. You will find events specific to our Meeting (worship, committee meetings, etc.) as well as events in the larger community of Friends (FGC, NYM), events of other religious organizations (Interfaith, MICAH), and other events that might be of interest to those in our Meeting. The events are not limited to those held at our meetinghouse. Most events appearing on this calendar are gleaned from our weekly announcements. Anyone may submit an event for the calendar and conveners are strongly encouraged to submit dates and times for their committee meetings, even when held at locations other than our meetinghouse. Calendar FeaturesAll three calendars offer common features that enhance their usefulness. At the bottom of each you will find controls to change how the information is displayed (week, month, quarter, year; block or list style) as well as an Options menu that includes a search feature to find events, filter the events displayed, and add the calendar events to your own desktop calendar via subscription. Events can offer pop-up windows containing more information, available by clicking on the event in the calendar. The same window will allow you to subscribe to e-mail notifications so that you will be sent a personal e-mail reminder in advance of the event. RSS feeds are available for each calendar (click on the RSS link at the top of the calendar window) so that you can actively be notified of upcoming events added to the calendar. |